Fax / Modem Transparent Mode

In this mode, fax and modem signals are transferred using the current voice coder without notifications to the user and without automatic adaptations. It's possible to use Profiles (see Coders and Profiles) to apply certain adaptations to the channel used for fax / modem. For example, to use the coder G.711, to set the jitter buffer optimization factor to 13, and to enable echo cancellation for fax and disable it for modem.

To configure fax / modem transparent mode:
1. Open the Gateway General Settings page (Setup menu > Signaling & Media tab > Gateway folder > Gateway General Settings), and then from the 'Fax Signaling Method' drop-down list (IsFaxUsed), select No Fax.
2. On the Fax/Modem/CID Settings page, do the following:
Configure the 'Fax Transport Mode' parameter to Disable (FaxTransportMode = 0].
Configure the 'V.21 Modem Transport Type' parameter to Disable [V21ModemTransportType = 0].
Configure the 'V.22 Modem Transport Type' parameter to Disable [V22ModemTransportType = 0].
Configure the 'V.23 Modem Transport Type' parameter to Disable [V23ModemTransportType = 0].
Configure the 'V.32 Modem Transport Type' parameter to Disable [V32ModemTransportType = 0].
Configure the 'V.34 Modem Transport Type' parameter to Disable [V34ModemTransportType = 0].
3. Configure the [BellModemTransportType] parameter to [0] (transparent mode).
4. Configure the following optional parameters:
Coders in the Coders table - see Configuring Coder Groups.
'Dynamic Jitter Buffer Optimization Factor' [DJBufOptFactor] - Configuring the Dynamic Jitter Buffer.
'Echo Canceller' [EnableEchoCanceller] - see Configuring Echo Cancellation.

This mode can be used for fax, but is not recommended for modem transmission. Instead, use the Bypass (see Fax/Modem Bypass Mode) or Transparent with Events modes (see Fax / Modem Transparent with Events Mode) for modem.